Hi ,
What i am doing ::
we are migrating all clients from one master server to appliance . Old backup images and catalog were not required , so i only had to redirect the clients from old master server to appliance . I added appliance to " additional servers " of clients. Then remove them from policy of existing master server . Added them in policy of appliance . Made the appliance as " new master " for clients and remove " current master " from additional server list. It all worked fine . After that i upgraded the client software from appliance using " update_clients " script and it also completed successfully.
Issue ::
I am able to take backup of clients , but when i try to restore the client, " source and destination " fields only shows the appliance hostname. Help manual says that you can add clients by using " edit client list " button , but there is no such button. I can restore the client by manually entering the " source and destination " . but what is the reason client list is not populating automatically. I did some googling and found the client list populates for all clients which are listed in backup policies. i tested it on VMs and it's true. So now i have clients addedd in my backup policies. so what is the reason list is not displaying all clieants available for restore.
looking for some solution.
Thanks in advance