Sorry for my bad English.
2 months ago, I set up a job to backup Local MS SQL server database daily to tape. This job have been run successfully daily during this period.
I suddenly receive a job failed notification today and here is the error massage:
Backup- SVSQL9V-79-57344-65084 - Before you can back up this resource (SERVER_A\SQLDB), you must purchase and install a license key for the appropriate Backup Exec agent.
I guess it would relate to the 60 trial (we bought a license and installed already) so I go to check the license information by Help --> About --> Tools -> License Information:
Backup Exec for Windows Servers: Licensed (Yes), Installed (Yes), Trial (N/A)
Remote Agent for Windows Systems: Licensed (Yes), Installed (Yes), Trial (Day 1 of 60)
Then Tools --> Install Options and License keys on this Media Server... --> (my license is displayed) --> Next
When I expand "Licensed agents and options", "Agent for Microsoft SQL Server" is ticked and not allowed to change.
However, I could not find the "Microsoft SQL Server"& "Microsoft SQL Server "BKUPEXEC" in the selection list under All Resources --> SERVER_A which it should be there when I created job previously.
I used Server B, which installed another Backup Exec 2012 R2, check the available backup folder on SERVER_A; there have "Microsoft SQL Server"& "Microsoft SQL Server "BKUPEXEC" in the selection list. (Using same credential to access SERVER_A)
I tried to restart the service on SERVER_A but no luck.
I also read through this forum for similar discussion, but no solution could resolve my problem.
Help from anyone would be much appreciated.