We've had a hard time working with Symantec figuring out how to automate tasks and get consist ant results using the command line tools along with the GUI.
The NetBackup Command Reference only gets us part of the way, Google helps sometimes, but we're looking for more. We've also noticed that we have more silent failures of the command line with no action taken and no results returned as we have moved up to
The same challenges apply to getting all the information we would like to report on and monitor on our appliances.
We've also had a lot of struggles recently in attempting to get enough documentation to get enough data out of the OpsCenter database. We updated our OpsCenter server to 7.6 so we had a documented schema for the database.The schema documentation was great to get us started, but as soon as we delved a bit deeper, we ended up stuck especially working with schedules and policies.
We've been told support is only available for break/fix work, and problems with documentation is the land of engineering and professional services.
Has anyone else had any luck finding a good and timely source of support for either (or both!) of these issues, or other creative solutions?