Hi All,
Need some help!
Deleted one client from the envrionment but intrestingly it still shows in the commands.
Master/Media -> NBU 7.1 on ws 2008 r2
Client also on ws2008
Tried below steps so far
bpcoverage -c <client_name> gives the policy name with all the client name but deleted client is not in there
>bppllist XXXX -byclient XXXXX again shows the list but client is not there
This policy has got > 200 clients.
bppllist -byclient <client name> -U it again pulls the policy details with all the clients but that client is not listed
bpclient -client XXXX -delete
bpclient: no entity was found (227)
checked the client attributes in master server properties- not there
nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename XXXX -machinetype
NBEMMCMD, Version:7.1
The function returned the following failure status:
invalid host name (136)
Command did not complete successfully.
bpclient -client XXXX -L
bpclient: no entity was found (227)
Took the nbsu and searched for the server name and it has got the entries in below files but those seems to be normal as it doesn't show it to be in EMM.
No entries in EMM or anywhere as per NBSU.
Alredy tried restarting the netbackup services on master couple of times but no go
If you need any logs I can PM.