Hello All
NBU master+media all at I have close to around 50 policies. all of them have calender schedule for yearly backups. I need to verify their annual calender schedule. It should have January 1st week date. I thought small script would do the job. output like policy name and Calendar sched: Enabled then dates. I have used bppllist numerous times before. But when I ran bppllist output do not show specific dates which are actually present in policies. I check in GUI, policies do have calender schedule present in them. But why it do not appear in command output. Hence i am unable to write a script.
nbuapp3:/home/maintenance # bppllist Clients_SYS -U | more
Policy Name: Clients_SYS
Policy Type: MS-Windows
Active: yes
Schedule: Full_Annual
Type: Full Backup
Maximum MPX: 1
Synthetic: 0
Checksum Change Detection: 0
PFI Recovery: 0
Retention Level: 0 (15 days)
Number Copies: 1
Fail on Error: 0
Residence: nbuapp1
Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool)
Server Group: (same as specified for policy)
Calendar sched: Enabled
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: 1
Schedule indexing: 0
Daily Windows:
Saturday 20:50:00 --> Monday 02:20:00