I need some information related to AIR(auto image replication)
In my environment, we have SLP configured @originating server(backup job, a replication job) and on target server(Import job) with same name of SLP. I wanted to confirm process flow how it would be?
1. Backup - Originating
2. Replication-originating
3. Import - Target
After this AIR is completed successfully i.e. now we have backup image on two locations.
1.Can we restore directly to clients from target image as well?
2.I know only one command to check status of these jobs: nbstlutil stlilist -u
Is there a procedure defined that target must be disk only? target server where import job will be running should have disk storage attached?(Is it restricted?)
I see a scenario where on originating server we see backup job and a duplication job. Is that related to SLP as well.
Last but not least what is relation of MSDP with AIR? is AIR bound to MSDP only?