I'm trying to use BE 2014, with the de-dup option to backup remote site data. This data was previously replicated to a local server via DFSR. I was hoping to use a copy of the DFSR replicated data to seed so that I don't have to copy heaps of data over the wire.
I ran a backup of the replicated remote site DFRS data from the DFSR replica server shadow copy components to the de-dup volume. Then I setup a job to backup the remote site data (same data that was replciated to the DFRS replica server). However, nothing's getting appended to the de-dup volume - even when I add a new file to the remote site server.
Any idea what's goign on? Should I be backing up the DFSR replica folder as opposed to the shadow copy components? I thought this was how DFSR folders are meant to be backed up? Or is there another issue as to why no data's being copied to the de-dup volume after it was seeded?