I need a solution
We have the following:-
BE 2014 on MS Windows 2008R2 STD.
VMware VSphare 5.1 and vCenter 5.1
Now, there is a VM which we want to take file/folder backup as a physical server.
I have installed the agent in the server.
When I am going to select the drives for backup ....There is no drive shown to select..rather all the shared drives are shown...
Troublshooting further I have done the following:-
1. Changed the IP access for cleint access to "Dynamic".
2. Changed the "independent disk" option in the VM setting.
3. enabled the "trust " ..
4. Reinstalled the agent..
All in ...
no used..
Please, help me to troublshoot this issue..
Is I am missing some thing...
Just to add there is a IBM Fastback is running in this server.