I currently have the following NBU setup in my environment:
RHEL 5.10 Master Server running NBU7.6.0.2
2x RHEL 5.10 Media Servers running NBU7.6.0.2
HP B6200 StoreOnce D2D system running catalysts which duplicate to a second B6200 offsite.
The media servers are running bonded 10Gb NIC's and the Master is running bonded 1Gb NIC with 4Gb F/C connect to the D2D
Our weekly full backup is approx 40Tb which has a 30day retention and the incrementals run to about 7Tb and are kept for 7 days.
The company are now talking about cloud backups and whilst I have had several vendors claiming that they can do miracles I want to hear from anyone with real world experience of moving over to cloud.
The initial seeding will obviously be the main issue as we only have a 1Gb connection to the Internet.
At present all our deduplication is taken care of via the B6200 and we are getting between 10-15:1 dedupe on the backups, the backups are all flat file backups, no database agents etc. the majority of the Wintel estate is on VM now and I cover these using VIP's with NBU.
As I say I am after any suggestions/pit falls etc from people who have actually moved to cloud rather than suppliers with glossy powerpoints :-)