Master/media NB5230 v2.6.0.1, and FC to LTO6 drives in HP MSL 2024.
I know how to setup and configure NetBackup KMS. At this point in time I'm not interested in MSEO.
The Appliance v2.6.0.1 Admin Guide, on page 106, says:
"The NetBackup appliance supports writing to the tape devices that are capable of SCSI T10 encryption to ensure that the tape media that is moved off-site is secure. Tape encryption requires configuration the NetBackup Key Management Service (KMS) feature.
Note: The KMS feature is supported when the appliance is configured as a media server only in a NetBackup domain. A NetBackup master server appliance cannot administrate KMS. A non-appliance master server is required to administrate KMS with the devices that are connected to a NetBackup appliance."
Obviously it is quite clear that:
- NetBackup KMS on appliance master not supported (because it cannot see tape drives)
- NetBackup KMS on appliance media supported (because it can see tape drives)
But, can I infer that this is true:
- NetBackup KMS on appliance master/media supported (because it can see tape drives)
...because the appliance (although acting as a master server) is also acting as a media server.
However, this would conflict with '...is supported when the appliance is configured as a media server only...'
And here grammar can get in the way - is NetBackup KMS supported on media appliances 'only' when in a NetBackup domain? If so, then is NetBackup KMS supported on master/media servers because the media server function is a member of a NetBackup domain, i.e. the master function on the same appliance?
I wish the document made a statement regarding appliances that are 'master/media'.